How to Leverage Content | Social Selling for SDRs

There are many ways to create content through mediums like a podcast or web series and involve the leaders in your space. For example, you could connect with a thought leader or someone in your industry that you look up to and ask them for 30 min. to pick their brain. Record the conversation in Zoom and create short-form content based on that conversation (video clips, quotes & graphics, LinkedIn posts, etc.) Post it on LinkedIn and tag prospects or send it to them directly.

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How to Create Content | Social Selling for SDRs

Creating content doesn’t have to be scary. If you want to be seen as a resource through social selling, following these guidelines will help you create your own engaging content.

How To: You don’t have to create content from scratch. Find leaders in your space, summarize their content + add your own insights, then publish that.

For Who: Create content for your ICP, not for people like you. If you’re selling to HR, create content that speaks to HR leaders, not sales leaders.

What Type: Start a podcast, web series, blog, etc. – create something to help you promote your name & brand. You don’t need a ‘gimmick’ per say, but you need an outlet.

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Leveraging Your LinkedIn Profile into a Brand

Taking your shiny new profile and prospecting strangers isn’t going to cut it. Nobody likes the ‘connect and pitch’ tactic, even if you look the part. You have to build up more credibility and authority in your space before you can start selling.

You have to build credibility and authority in your space and build relationships instead of connecting and pitching immediately.

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